Australia - HOI4 - Spring 1936

Being part of the British Empire Australia has very few options in its foreign policy. Britain and France will probably become Allies and if either of them go to war against Italy or Germany then Australia is in the war too. So the first goal must be to leave the Empire. Unfortunately that is not enough because democracies also have very few options so the next goal must be to become a Fascist or Communist nation. They have few if any restrictions. Let's face it, if we want to become Greater Australia we need to grab other countries' territory. The only real power in the immediate region is Japan so a fascist Australia is the best option. I am not proposing that we join the Axis because that would mean Germany (probably) would be controlling our foreign policy - I'd rather stay British - but being fascist would deter Japan from devouring us.
Australia doesn't have to stay fascist. After gaining some nice resource-rich territory it can return to being democratic and who knows what may happen. Britain and France will be busy in Europe while the Japanese will hopefully be at war with not only China but possibly the Soviet Union too. The USA is asleep until Germany attacks the Soviets which normally means that World Tension is at 100% and then even democracies can justify wars.
Australia also needs a stronger economy so that is my first priority. Enough strategy for the moment. I'm moving fast-forward to the beginning of March 1936 because that is when the 70 day Focus is completed.
I have also accumulated 6 Army XPs so I can now change an infantry battalion into an artillery battalion.

That was easy. Notice that some of the stats have changed. I also have a deficit of 167 artillery pieces but fortunately I already have a production line.
Next I need to choose a new Focus. I select Industries Assistance Corporation because I want to eventually get to the South Australian Trust further down the chain. I need more Civilian Factories.
Looking at my Research and Construction screens I don't have to worry about anything happening in the next 70 days so I can go in fast-forward mode again.
Finally my Dominion Status screen and my 'score'. Australia has 4 points as is the #35 power in the world.
Until next time, folks.


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