Italy - HOI4 - First Victory

The battle in the north is nearing its end. Also the seven divisions in Italy have completed their training.
So I return them to Army 1...
...on the Austrian border.
 It is 04 April 1936 and the last bastion in Ethiopia has been captured.
 Time to start justifying my next move, Austria.
 I can declare war on 20 Nov 1936. That will annoy Adolf! I have plenty of time to bring my victorious army home and train reinforcements.
I have 42 victory points but I only need 32 to annex Ethiopia.
Note the World Tension is now at 10%. Of that 5% came from Germany's occupation of Rhineland.
I need 4 divisions to garrison Ethiopia and detail the 4 Colonial divisions to that duty.
The remainder are being sent home to spend winter in the Alps....
I have ordered them to garrison Venice region so they'll proceed there automatically.
It appears that I have received 3 CFs from Ethiopia - the next is due in 30 days.
Confirmation that all 18 divisions are moving. (The yellow arrow)
A research project, Electronic Mechanical Engineering, has finished.
Radio is the next tech. An important tech required for Signal companies.
An overview of my research.
01 May 1936 and the first divisions from Africa have reached Italian soil.
I place more production emphasis on Infantry and Support Equipment. Chronically short there.
I pause the game here and check the victory points. We are #6 behind Germany but ahead of France. The UK's RAF is very strong. Each air point equals 10 aircraft.


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