Italy - HOI4 - Italy Joins the Axis

An ominous title but more about that later. There are still more preparations required before we bash Yugoslavia and defend against the Czechs. Yes, a two-front war. Back to the war preparations.

My recruitment is getting nowhere because these divisions are too large.
I'm deleting these 8 new divisions...
...duplicating the template and subtracting two infantry battalions. The artillery support remains and the division gets a different symbol.
Now the old ones have been deleted
Their depot will be near Vienna...
...and 10 of these new divisions are being formed. These are for the Czechoslovakian border.
I'm also partially fortifying the border. So  the war won't commence until the forts are built and the divisions have arrived to man them.
Great news. My extra research slot has arrived.
I select Construction II.
My next national focus will be Befriend Bulgaria. I don't want them supporting Yugoslavia.
My research projects as of 24 Feb 1937.
Nothing is happening for a while but Benito gives another speech. Basically it's all their fault.
As you can see the divisions are forming. I'm going to deploy them early and put them in training.
I've reduced the next batch to only 5 divisions.
 Please greet Army Bagdolia on their way to the front.
I don't need to garrison Austria anymore... the four divisions will support the new troops. 
The justification has arrived but as you can see the border forts are still under construction so the war will have to wait.
Now why am I doing this?
Answer, I am using Hitler and his Wehrmacht as a Damocles Sword. The Czechs will have to keep their border with Germany manned. They fear Adolf more than Benito. The bad news for the Czechs is that Benito is not running this war. I am.
We have researched Mechanical Computing...
..and Adolf has agreed to be played. Dictators really are idiots. I might get in big trouble so I can still play the Adolf card if necessary. That's the last option though.
I need to research Recon Company I to beef up my divisions later.
The Signal Company I project has completed.
I need anti-tank weapons so now is a good time to start. They can be useful too later in the war.
More research has completed. This time Improved Machine Tools.
I choose to improve my mining efficiency by researching Excavation I.
The overview of all 5 projects. They won't be arriving soon so I can concentrate on the conflict ahead.
That's all for this post. Until next time.


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