Italy - HOI4 - Strategy

My strategy in a nutshell - I do nothing. Look at the other nations. France is on the defensive and going communist.
The UK is doing nothing threatening.
I'm more worried about Germany because Align Hungary could be their next Focus.
Poland is on the defence and not trying to unify Eastern Europe.
The Soviets are solidifying Stalin's regime.
I intend travelling down this chain on my Focus Tree because I need to improve the quality of my army and not just expand it.
My forces are hopelessly too small for the size of the Empire. The conquered areas are larger than Italy proper.
I'm adding a Recon Company...
...and a Signal Company to my Infantry Divisions for a cost of 20 XP.
 I also need more construction.
 Eight MFs and eight Dockyards are a good investment.
Now is the time to support a Democratic opposition to Benito.
The PPI is at 22% at the moment but will increase at 0.05% points per day. Also my focus Modernized Artillery has arrived.
I select Modernized Army next as I mentioned earlier.
The 5 Fortress Divisions are now fully trained.
So I convert them to fully fledged Infantry divisons.
That has a cost of course but the training also produces XPs.
09 Feb 1938. The Chinese United Front is forming. Why?
Japan has declared war on China.
We've seen this before when I was Australian.

But this time there is a war!
12 Feb 1938 and I notice that German has chosen Demand Sudetenland. Nothing to worry about though because, (read Effect), all it does is give Germany a claim to the region.
Look at the size of Bella Italia! The symbols in the Diplomacy Box mean that we are in a faction with Germany and only us two. Italy has a non-aggression pact with Bulgaria and we are guaranteeing the independence of Albania.
Here we are still 6th but sizeably ahead of France. Look at nations below France. They are much weaker than the top 7. The only other European nation in the top 10 is Poland.
More considerations in the next post.


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