Italy - HOI4 - Malaya and Romania

27 Jun 1940 and we start with shocking news...
Does that means Singapore has fallen too? Siam is an ally of Imperial Japan!
The factions map for Europe.
01 Jul 1940 and there is increased activity in Romania.
13 Jul 1940: The Axis forces are advancing everywhere.
18 Jul 1940 and I order the two parachute divisions back to their home base near Vienna.
I deploy the Air Transport Wing there too.
02 Aug 1940: I'm not too upset about that.
07 Aug 1940: No change is evident yet.
08 Aug 1940 and my focus Escort Effort is completed.
I select Italian Highways next. Libyan Refineries will follow.
19 Aug 1940: The situation is serious for the Allies in Romania. My oil from Australia is a problem.
So I'll purchase oil in Venezuela instead.
20 Aug 1940: I deploy my 4th and final parachute division early.
Several units are fully trained so they are assigned to Army Mobile.
The two armoured divisions are ordered to the Romanian border.
27 Aug 1940 and the frontlines in Romania appear to have stabilized.
08 Sep 1940 and the pressure is on again. I need to replace my Romanian oil imports.
I go to the US for more oil. I need an Atlantic fleet or I must produce more Synthetic Oil.
What are the Soviets doing? An extra research slot is always useful.
Britain has its hands full and Frenchies are doing nothing.
That is very revealing.  The Soviets are not at war (following my example)
24 Sep 1940: The end is near for Romania.
29 Aug 1940 sees my Improved Artillery Upgrade I completed.
Ploesti has fallen.
Time to research a modern destroyer.
06 Oct 1940 and Rubber Processing has been researched,
Not looking good.
I choose to research Improved Computing Machine next.
I don't need that rubber import anymore.
07 Oct 1940: The Kingdom of Romania capitulates. A more than 15 month campaign for the Wehrmacht. Maybe they are not so invincible after all. Is it a Pyrrhic Victory? Only time will tell....
This post ends how it began - with allied forces capitulating. The war in western Europe might liven up now.


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