Italy - HOI4 - A New Year Approach

13 Dec 1939 - an alert informs me that I have free CFs. Time to construct Synthetic Oil Plants and more.
So I plan 6 refineries and a few more CFs. 3 blocks of 15 CFs is considered a good base number.
Christmas Day and the guns are almost silent everywhere in Europe. I have free dockyards however.
The Light Cruiser programme has finished so I'll use the 3 Dockyards on a Littorio battleship.
28 Dec 1939: I import more oil from Venezuela this time.
10 Jan 1940 and my focus Submarine Effort is completed.
The air forces need support so I select Air Innovations II.
11 Jan 1940: Hungary renounces the equivalent of the Versailles Treaty for former Austria-Hungary.
Then joins the Axis!
13 Jan 1940 and they are advancing into Romania on a broad front. The situation in Romania is very dangerous.
18 Jan 1940: The research on Encryption has completed. I hope that will stop some adversaries from spying on Italy.
I select Decimetric Radar next. Italy is behind others in this field, especially the UK.
20 Jan 1940 and it is not looking good in western Romania. Luckily the Wehrmacht can't operate from Hungary (yet).
23 January and the advance continues.
24 Jan 1940 brings my new CAS aircraft, the Ba.88.
I select the Cant Z.1007bis to replace the Br.20.
24 Jan 1940: I have beaucoup anti-tank guns so I intend to strengthen my parachute divisions.
I add air-droppable anti-tank support to the division template.
I do the same to my Alpine Divisions but an anti-tank battalion is added to each division.
Mountain troops are relatively light infantry therefore extra firepower is always welcome.
I just spent 15 of my precious XP.
25 Jan 1940 and another armoured division has completed its training and it is sent to join its colleagues on the Romanian border.
30 Jan 1940: The Germans have made gains in the north but the mountains in the west provide excellent defensive terrain for the Allies.
31 Jan 1940: The situation worsens - in the West now.
Germany has war goal justifications for Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. There's no Maginot Line there which the French can hide behind.
Germany is wasting no time.
They declare war on Luxembourg and they join the Allies.
A glimpse at the Logistics Screen and one can see that I have ample equipment.
Also my first oil plant will arrive in less than 2 months.
The war in Europe is now in full swing and it is Germany calling the shots. Until next time. Ciao!


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