Germany - HOI4 - A New Power

03 Nov 1937: The Treaty of Konigsberg comes into effect. Maybe I should disband this army of conscripts and hope to gain the manpower and equipment for other uses. They will disappear anyway now that the civil war is over.
I expend 150 PP to hire Kurt Schumacher to promote democracy.
I also disband von Rundstedt's Armeegruppe. I don't need it anymore.
Next I take the Infanterieschule, which fought well against Czechoslovakia, and send it to East Prussia.
I rename it Armee Ost and order it to garrison the state. The divisions will move there automatically.
04 Nov 1937: Hang 'em High! The conscript army also disappears. We now 'only' have 66 divisions!
I send Armee Süd to the French border.
The News is spreading fast....
Guderian's 3rd Army is sent to the Polish border....
 ….and on 08 Nov 1937 I dispatch Rommel's 4th Army to the Alps to watch what Benito is up to.
11 Nov 1937: The Parachute unit consisted of only 3 Para infantry battalions. I spend 45 Army XP to convert it into a full division.
The Luftwaffe needs to be redeployed.
I want Home Defence, Air Front East and Air Front South, I don't envisage any threats from the North or West.
12 Nov 1937: Another 10 days before the focus Großraumwirtschaft is completed.
13 Nov 1937: We are now #7 in the world but only the USA has a greater industrial base than us.
I can create a faction with a 'minor' power. I considered Poland for a while but my choice is Yugoslavia. I hope Benito attacks it so that we can blow him off the map then grab Italy and its colonies.
The Dawn of Free Europe!!!!
It is ratified by our new ally.
An important chapter in our future history. Until soon.


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