Germany - HOI4 - Strategy Post- Italia

30 Jan 1940: I propose a Non-Aggression Pact with Hungary. I could have asked them to join the faction but they tend to demand crazy things like a piece of Slovakia or Yugoslavia. I don't like squabbles of that nature.
31 Jan 1940: I could call that a good move if Japan were to attack Sinkiang....
Well that's settled.
We also import more Tungsten from Portugal.
03 Feb 1940: I order Field Marshall Von Rundstedt to form Army Group 1 on our border with Poland. They need to be reminded who's in charge in this part of the world.
I also start improving the infrastructure around Poland.
05 Feb 1940: I plan the construction of more refineries too. One can never have too much oil and rubber.
I also give my old aircraft to Japan via Lend Lease.
I need more air power in the East too.
You have guessed right. The Danzig question hasn't been resolved so let's fix the problem.
15 Feb 1940: The focus Fan Prussian Militarism has completed.
A New and Better Germany is next.
I need to better organize the Army Group 1. I do this for all three Armies.
21 Feb 1940: The Focke-Wulf 190 becomes available.
I'll research Improved Computing Machine next.
Now I design a more powerful version of the Fw 190. That'll kick ass!
02 Mar 1940 I receive Improved Oil Processing technology.
I shall be converting old equipment so to research Advanced Equipment Conversion makes sense.
08 Mar 1940 and Paratroopers II has been researched.
My regular infantry needs modern support weapons.
I should have deployed another 32 divisions before we take on Poland. 
Phase I of the attack. Crush their frontier forces and occupy their main industrial areas.
22 Mar 1940: A New and Better Germany has finished. My next national focus is Long-Range Fighters.
18 Apr 1940: I decide to fortify my border wit Danzig. Better safe than sorry. I want to use East Prussia as a starting point for conquering the Baltic States which are members of the Polish faction. The trick is to defeat them before Poland capitulates.
24 Apr 1940: Our leader August von Mackensen calls for the people to support the war.
Finally I choose Blohm and Voss as the main naval contractor and adviser for the Kriegsmarine.
Why Poland? Because the Soviet Union is my main adversary and this Polish Faction is in the way. If they had joined the Allies I would have had no problems with the decision. The Poles really have chosen the wrong location for their country!


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