Germany - HOI4 - Trouble Ahead!

08 Sep 1938 - The focus Coal Liquidization has finished.
Also Decryption - Frequency Analysis has completed.
I choose Anti-Tank Upgrade as my next technology to research.
11 Sep 1938: I receive Field Hospital I technology.
The Luftwaffe needs a modern bomber and the Ju 88A is perfect for the role.
My next focus is Synthetic Rubber.
20 Sep 1938: Communist China goes to war in the Far East.
25 Sep 1938: I receive Hunt and Destroy for the Luftwaffe.
I continue down that path by selecting Combat Unit Destruction.
My aircraft production at the moment. I need to expand that soon.
01 Oct 1938: I upgrade 15 Infantry Divisions to Assault Divisions.
08 Nov 1938: Too many communists in Germany. Time to clamp down on them.
17 Nov 1938 and Synthetic Rubber has arrived.
Now I can reduce the amount of rubber being imported from the UK.
I research Army Innovations II. Lots of goodies there.
27 Nov 1938: The doctrine Combat Unit Destruction is now available. Someone is plotting a war against me or an ally.
First though I choose to research Concentrated Industry III.
Italy! Benito doesn't have the armed forces to take on Germany and Yugoslavia - it's suicide! On the other hand my forces aren't particularly strong either. I do have until June next year to prepare though.
24 Dec 1938: I have moved a couple of Air Wings to Sarajevo and Anti-Tank Upgrade has been researched.
I research the 15 cm  Field Howitzer next.
Christmas Day 1938 and more bad news. The Poles are creating their own faction on my eastern border. Why bad news? If I'm busy fighting Italy they may decide to take advantage of it and try to grab my eastern provinces. The good news is that they now can't join the Allies.
I can now build the Ju 88 A to replace the aging He III.
My infantry needs some new weaponry.
I select Align Hungary as my next national focus - I don't want then to join the Italians.
05 Feb 1939. I move 10 Panzer Divisions to the Yugoslavian border with Italy.
17 Feb 1939. I add a Medium Tank Destroyer Battalion (StuG III) to my Armoured Divisions.
Well it looks like Italy will be on the offensive this summer. My hope is that the Allies keep quiet because I don't want Britain or France to grab Libya or the East African colonies. Bis bald, guys...


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