Prussia - HOI4 - Germany, Turkey and Africa

17 Mar 1915: 1st Army on the border with Soviet Union should have Stoßtruppen-Divisionen too.
23 Mar 1915: The doctrine Naval Convoy arrives. Could be useful if you import from overseas.
I decide to research the AEG G.II tactical bomber.
24 Mar 1915: The new U51 Class Unterseeboot has completed development. I'll delay putting it into production for the moment.
I select the Recon Company II upgrade next.
I wonder where all the Soviets are.....
Another strategic option is Turkey - the gateway to the Middle East, Oil and the Indian Ocean. The Balkans are always fun for small wars which can easily escalate. Serbia is already a Central Power so I guarantee the independence of first Bulgaria....
….then on 27 Mar 1915 also Greece.
I considered doing the same for Jabal Shammar but decided against it. Maybe later.
The post-conflict Caucasus region.
29 Mar 1915: Time to check the neighbours. Soviet Russia is doing Airfield Expansion. We have done that already.
France is researching Revaunchist Propaganda. It's the one below that which I don't like the look of. Get Alsace-Lorraine Back.The effect is that France declares war on Germany!!!! That would be a stupid thing to do but the AI opponent does stupid things occasionally. We'll cross that bridge if we get there.
The UK is upgrading their Royal Navy. We've done that too.
04 Apr 1915: I ship my 1st Panzeearmee to Africa. 6 divisions to Casablanca and 3 divisions each to Togoland and Cameroun.
I select 7th Schlachtschwadron….
….and make East Togoland its new home port.
I plan a level 3 airbase in Cameroun.
11 Apr 1915: The focus Doctrine Effort arrives.
I select Armament Effort next. That'll give me an extra MF in Luxembourg.
30 Apr 1915: I have surplus Siege Artillery so I'll start converting the Security Divisions to Fortress Divisions- I have enough for 3 divisions.
02 May 1915: What the....??? They really have declared war on Germany! That's suicidal!
They've just bought themselves a free ticket to hell and I won't accept a White Peace this time. Now everything depends on what their former Entente allies do. Bis bald, guys. I have to unpack my uniforms.


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