Prussia - HOI4 - A Glimpse of the Future

23 Oct 1918: Where does this campaign go from here? The German Empire is already the #1 power in the world and neither the UK, Japan nor Italy are in a position to challenge that. We are even outproducing the almighty USA which has no air force and no navy. The Great War was fought from 1911 to 1913. The following wars against France, the Soviet Union and the Ottoman Empire were regional wars not global wars and that is the end of this period of major wars. Britain and Italy had many opportunities to intervene post-1913 but didn't, so what's next?
Let's take a look at some of the Focus Trees....
Theoretically there are several ways to reach the 1930's  and start a World War II. The Bier Hall Putsch failed in 1923 and Hitler was put in jail. It won't work here either because there won't be Versailles Treaty. Think about it. If Germany didn't lose the war then there is no reason for Hitler and the Nazis to happen. No reason to persecute the Jews because it was mostly German Jews that came up with all the new weapons for the victorious Kaiserliche Armed Forces. No conspiracy of International Jewry. So, no NSDAP rise starting in the 1920's.
In 1934 there is the Night of the Long Knives where Ernst Röhm and SA leadership were butchered. A prerequisite for that is a Fascist Government in Berlin and that can only happen if I want it to happen. Even if I do allow it to happen the following focus is Rhineland but the Rhineland isn't demilitarized. Will it be bypassed or blocked? I don't know and I can't find out until after 1934. That is a long time to wait.
I could go Fascist now via Fascist Coup. Before Mussolini's March on Rome. He could easily join the Central Powers after I've kicked out Austria-Hungary. That wouldn't look good for the Habsburgs.
I could promote a Fascist Demagogue Wolfgang Kapp but he only arrives a Fascist Coup or the Bier Hall Putsch and if I trigger the Fascist Coup Germany is already Fascist so I don't need that joker. The March on Rome will be triggered by the Italian player and I can imagine that Benito is more peeved with the Austrians than us Germans and I don't need to go Fascist to support Italy against the Austrians. The Austro-Hungarian Focus Tree is empty of anything relative to this post. It's as if  A-H ceased to exist.
They have the Manchurian option and that will start a conflict with the Chinese (Qing Dynasty). Do I really want to get involved in that can of worms???
The March on Rome will happen and I can spoil Benito's fun by guaranteeing the independence of Abyssinia. Unfortunately they don't have Eritrea or Italian Somaliland either because Italy didn't win the Great War. If Mussolini were to start a war I can't imagine the UK or USA supporting a Fascist Italy. Can you?
United Kingdom
The Aftermath of World War I won't happen. No Versailles Treaty.
The Arab Uprising does look too promising either.
Something not in the National Focus Trees is the Great Depression which was a global event. How is that factored into the game? I've never played beyond 1919 so I don't know. My best option at the moment is to stay as I am and avoid conflicts. I have no reason to go Fascist.. I may go on 'Fast Forward' for a while and only slow down if something significant happens. Bis bald....


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